The History of the Silicone Elastomer: A Brief Overview

When was silicone invented?

Jons Jacob Berzelius

Silicone’s journey began in ancient times, with its roots tracing back to the Stone Age and the use of silica-based stones for tools. However, the significant milestone in silicone’s invention was in 1824 when Swedish chemist Jöns Jackob Berzelius isolated silicon, paving the way for future silicone-based materials.

Composition and Early Development

What is silicone made of?

What is silicone made of?

Silicone is a unique material primarily composed of silicon, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. This composition gives it remarkable properties, differentiating it from organic elastomers. The progress in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly the work of Frederic Stanley Kipping, transformed silicone from a scientific curiosity to a material of practical use.

Breakthroughs and Innovations

The evolution of silicone saw significant developments in various forms, notably Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR). LSR’s versatility and efficiency in production have made it a preferred material in industries like medical device manufacturing and consumer goods.

Silicone in Caulk and Sealants

While not explicitly attributed to a single inventor, the development of caulk, often silicone-based due to its durability and flexibility, paralleled the advancements in silicone technology. This highlights the material’s importance in construction and repair work.

Silicone’s Wide Range of Applications

Silicone has found its way into numerous products and industries. Its uses extend from kitchenware, such as non-stick baking molds and utensils, to personal care items like silicone-based shampoos and conditioners. In electronics, silicone is vital for insulating wires and components, while in aviation, it seals and protects critical parts of aircraft. The construction industry relies on silicone for its adhesive properties and stability, binding materials like concrete, glass, and plastics. Notably, in the medical field, silicone’s biocompatibility makes it ideal for implants, tubing, and prosthetics. The advent of Liquid Silicone Rubber has further expanded its applications, particularly in high-precision medical devices and micro molding.

How we use liquid silicone rubber at jiaze Silicone Tech

liquid silicone rubber injection molding

At Jiaze Silicone Tech, we harness over 15 years of expertise in silicone manufacturing, specializing in state-of-the-art Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) molding. Our proficiency in silicone molding and manufacture is unparalleled, attracting clients globally due to the exceptional quality of our silicone moldings.

The depth of knowledge within the Jiaze Silicone Tech team is substantial, equipping us to tackle any challenge and deliver innovative solutions. We have a rich history of resolving complex issues in LSR applications, setting us apart in the industry.

Our product range, utilizing silicone, includes:

We invite you to contact Jiaze Silicone Tech for a partnership with a team of seasoned experts. Our understanding of the intricate requirements of silicone is unmatched. Let us offer you a comprehensive, innovative silicone design and manufacturing solution.

Discover more about our silicone manufacturing expertise and LSR molding capabilities on our website. Contact Jiaze Silicone Tech today for your silicone needs, where quality and innovation meet customer satisfaction.
