What is LSR Overmolding

what is lsr molding

LSR Overmolding Process

What is LSR overmolding? Here we go! LSR overmolding is a sophisticated manufacturing technique that revolves around the application of liquid silicone rubber (LSR) to enrobe, adhere. Or encapsulate a foundational substrate or a finalized component during the molding procedure.

In this innovative process, we introduced liquid silicone rubber skillfully through injection molding onto an existing component or substrate. It results in a sophisticated composite entity. The placement of a thermoplastic element or metallic substrate within the LSR injection mold ingeniously creates a distinctive dual-material structure.

The LSR overmolding course of action is a two-stage endeavor:

1. The initial phase entails the insertion of a fully formed plastic part or a substrate. They could encompass metal or other materials, into the mold cavities just prior to the commencement of LSR injection.

2. Subsequently, as the mold securely seals, we introduce LSR through injection, impeccably filling the voids and encompassing the plastic or metallic constituent, ultimately culminating in the fabrication of the finished and integrated product.


LSR Overmolding Introduction

Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) overmolding is an advanced manufacturing technique that involves injecting liquid silicone rubber onto a pre-existing substrate or component to create a seamless and highly durable bond. This innovative process combines the exceptional properties of liquid silicone rubber with the flexibility of overmolding, resulting in a wide range of applications across various industries.

The process of LSR overmolding begins with the preparation of the substrate or overmolded components. This substrate can be made of materials such as plastics, metals, or other elastomers. The choice of substrate depends on the specific requirements of the final product. Proper preparation ensures that the substrate is clean and ready to receive the liquid silicone rubber.

The heart of the LSR overmolding process lies in the injection molding step. The process begins by meticulously blending and heating a two-part liquid compound of liquid silicone rubber to an exact temperature. Following this, the molten silicone is skillfully introduced into a mold cavity mirroring the intended configuration of the end product. Typically crafted from high-quality steel, the mold adeptly withstands the elevated temperatures and pressures inherent to the injection process.

How LSR Molding

Injected into the mold, the liquid silicone rubber flows around the substrate, encapsulating it completely. This encapsulation creates a strong bond between the liquid silicone rubber and the substrate. The LSR then undergoes a curing process within the mold. Curing is essential to transform the liquid silicone rubber into a solid elastomer. With the desired physical properties, such as flexibility, durability, and resistance to heat and chemicals.

Following the completion of the LSR curing process, the overmolded part is adeptly released from the mold cavity. The meticulous removal of any excess material ensures the creation of a precisely shaped component, showcasing the seamless integration of the liquid silicone rubber onto the substrate. The result is a product that combines the specific advantages of both the substrate material and the LSR, opening up a world of possibilities for design and functionality.


LSR Overmolding Benifit & Application

The benefits of LSR overmolding are manifold. The process allows for the creation of products with enhanced ergonomic qualities, as the soft-touch and flexible nature of liquid silicone rubber can improve user comfort. Moreover, LSR overmolding ensures excellent sealing capabilities, making it ideal for applications requiring water or airtight seals. The strong bond between the liquid silicone rubber and the substrate enhances the product’s overall durability and resistance to wear and tear. Additionally, the process offers design flexibility by enabling the combination of different materials and textures into a single, cohesive component.

Industries such as medical devices, automotive, electronics, and consumer goods have embraced LSR overmolding for its ability to create high-performance products that meet stringent quality standards. From medical equipment with enhanced ergonomic features to automotive components with superior sealing properties, LSR overmolding continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in modern manufacturing.


In conclusion, liquid silicone rubber overmolding is a cutting-edge manufacturing technique that combines the benefits of liquid silicone rubber with the versatility of overmolding. This process results in products that excel in comfort, durability, sealing, and design flexibility. Amidst the dynamic march of technology, LSR overmolding is perfectly positioned to enthusiastically embrace an increasingly influential role in shaping the bright future of a wide spectrum of industries. It promises to deliver innovative solutions for intricate design and engineering challenges, ushering in new possibilities.
