Medical Grade Silicone: Essential Material for Medical Device Manufacturers

Silicone has become an indispensable material in the medical device industry due to its unique set of properties that make it ideal for a wide range of medical applications. Medical grade silicone meets stringent standards and testing to ensure biocompatibility and safety for use in healthcare products. As medical device manufacturers strive to enhance performance and quality while reducing costs, medical grade silicone has emerged as a high-performance solution that enables cutting-edge product innovation.

Medical silicone

What is Medical Grade Silicone?

Medical grade silicone refers to silicone formulations that have undergone rigorous biological and chemical testing to evaluate biocompatibility and toxicology for use in medical implants and devices. Medical silicone must meet various international standards,  Common medical grade designations include:

  • Medical Grade Silicone Elastomers – VMQ formulations with high purity and stable properties for short or long-term medical device applications.
  • Liquid Silicone Rubbers (LSR) – Two-part silicone systems that vulcanize at room temperature, suitable for injection molding of precision healthcare parts.
  • Medical Adhesives – Single or two-part silicone adhesives designed for skin contact medical devices.

Importance of Medical Grade Liquid Silicone Rubber

Liquid silicone rubber (LSR) has emerged as a popular choice for fabricating a wide range of medical parts and devices. The unique advantages of LSR make it well-suited for the stringent requirements of the healthcare industry:

  • Biocompatible and hypoallergenic
  • Ability to withstand repeated steam sterilization
  • Excellent mechanical properties across a broad temperature range
  • Long-term implantable grades meeting ISO 10993 testing
  • Easily pigmented and molded into complex geometries

LSR owes its biocompatibility and chemical inertness to the silicone molecular backbone structure. By selecting optimized LSR grades and injection molding processes, manufacturers can create silicone medical components with the needed combination of flexibility, durability, and performance.

Benefits of LSR vs. Alternative Materials

While thermoplastic elastomers like TPEs have some overlap with LSR, liquid silicone rubber offers superior performance benefits:

  • Improved tear strength and elongation ability
  • Lower compression set and higher stability under extreme temperatures
  • Better electrical insulating properties
  • More options for post-mold fabrication like overmolding
  • No need for primers or pre-treatments to bond parts

The unique fluid properties of LSR also allow for advantageous manufacturing techniques like multi-component molding of silicone with thermoplastics, insert molding, and injection compression processes. The outstanding versatility of LSR makes it an ideal choice for next-generation medical device design.

menstrual cups medical silicone

Medical Applications of LSR Injection Molding

LSR injection molding produces cost-effective, high precision silicone parts meeting the needs of diverse medical fields:

  • Drug delivery systems – O-rings, plungers, seals
  • Wound care – interfaces, connectors, valves
  • Diagnostics – transparent components, assay device housings
  • Surgical instruments – grips, seals, gaskets
  • Implantables – catheters, drainage tubes, cannulae
  • Disposables – syringe stops, cups, connectors
  • Microfluidics – pumps, valves, reactors

The liquid properties of LSR make it easily injectable into complex tooling. Post-mold fabrication allows LSR parts to be overmolded, assembled, printed or machined.

Benefits of LSR Overmolding

LSR overmolding onto plastic or metal substrates improves medical device ergonomics and aesthetics. Key benefits include:

  • Improved grip and comfort through soft-touch handles
  • Seamless design with no crevices for fluid or microbe entrapment
  • Added options for branding, color-coding, transparency
  • Reduced total cost compared to machined metal instruments
  • Simplified assembly by reducing part count

Overmolding allows silicone to be placed only where it is functionally required, optimizing material costs. LSR provides exceptional adhesion to most plastics without pretreatment, ideal for multi-component molding.

Cost Savings with LSR Manufacturing

The unique benefits of LSR manufacturing can outweigh the higher initial material costs:

  • Automated processes reduce labor expenses
  • Lower scrap rates compared to other elastomers
  • Increased production rates through faster cycles
  • Simplified assembly from molded-in features
  • Reduced secondary operations like machining
  • Lower total costs for high volume or multi-component parts

With proper LSR grade selection and tool design, medical device manufacturers can take advantage of production scalability to achieve significant per-part cost savings.

liquid silicone rubber for medical

LSR for Medical Device Market Competitiveness

For medical OEMs seeking a material technology edge to compete on product performance and quality, LSR represents an enabling solution. The unparalleled design freedom, ease of processing, and functional advantages conferred by liquid silicone rubber empower innovation across every category of medical equipment and healthcare supplies.Partnering with an expert LSR solutions provider gives access to:

  • Advanced material science and formulation
  • Precision tooling technologies
  • High-volume manufacturing expertise
  • Robust quality systems and process validation

By leveraging these capabilities, medical device companies can accelerate development cycles, reduce risks, and focus their resources on creating revolutionary products that save lives and improve patient outcomes worldwide.

Contact Our Experts Today

Jiaze Silicone Tech is a leading medical liquid silicone rubber molding company specializing in precision injection molding and multi-component manufacturing. Contact us today to discuss your medical project requirements. Our knowledgeable LSR specialists will help identify the ideal material solutions to meet your medical application needs.
