What are the different processing methods for silicone rubber?

What are the processes for silicone transformation?

Silicone processing methods encompass a range of renowned manufacturing techniques. These approaches transform silicone rubbers, culminating in the creation of bespoke final products. Factors such as the rubber’s distinctive shape, elasticity, color, level of transparency, strength, and resistance to various stresses are meticulously considered.

The adaptability of silicone rubbers traces back to their inherent chemical blueprint: a rhythmic alternation of silicon and oxygen units. By integrating a diverse array of organic entities, carbon clusters, and other supplementary elements within this molecular structure, the rubber exhibits unmatched versatility. The intertwining of specific organic combinations and chosen compounding strategies births an extensive array of silicone rubber variations. This variety proves instrumental in the manufacturing of an exhaustive list of items, spanning from the most common to the most intricate.

Highlighting the predominant processing methods:

  • Crafting through Injection Molding, both for High Consistency Rubber (HCR) and Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR).
  • Compression Molding Techniques.
  • Adopting Transfer Molding.
  • Process of Extrusion.
  • The Art of Calendering.

Deciphering the most apt processing strategy is an intricate dance of factors: the intricate nature of the component, its sheer size, the volume of the production batch, financial constraints, requirement of particular traits, longevity considerations, and more. Hence, to achieve excellence in quality, yield, and uniformity, a profound comprehension of both the materials at hand and the processing gambits is paramount. Let us delve deeper into these intriguing techniques.

silicone elastomers

Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) injection molding

LSR is a pristine two-part platinum-fortified silicone that’s augmented with specially treated silica. Designed specifically for the development of technical components, it exemplifies robustness, resilience, and unmatched quality. One primary characteristic that sets LSRs apart from HCRs is their decreased viscosity. This makes them suitable for pumping and positions them as ideal materials for the liquid injection molding process.

The notable distinction between LSR and HCR lies in the fluidic demeanor of LSR substances. Contrasting with HCR—which can embrace either a peroxide or platinum-based curing—LSR steadfastly relies on platinum-catalyzed additive curing. Given the thermosetting disposition of LSR, its injection molding demands meticulous care, inclusive of rigorous distributive blending, all the while ensuring the substance remains chilled before it’s ushered into the heated chamber to undergo vulcanization.

liqud silicone rubber

Key Advantages of LSR Injection Molding

Much akin to its HCR analogue, LSR injection molding is revered for sculpting end-products within designated mold chambers. This particular procedure employs unheated liquid or dense substances, channeled into the mold via an injection orifice. The pristine material is adeptly directed into the pre-heated, enclosed chamber, courtesy of applied pressure, ensuring an immediate cavity fill. The streamlined nature of LSR injection molding signifies its position as a swift fabrication approach, drawing materials straight from containers or barrels via a dosing mechanism. This alacrity makes it exceptionally apt for churning out substantial quantities of components.

  • Precise and swift mold cycles.
  • Capacity for bulk manufacturing.
  • Streamlined and cost-effective processing.
  • Adaptability in crafting an expansive array of standard products.
  • Prompt solidification and superior mold detachment.

High Consistency Rubber (HCR) injection molding

HCR also known as Heat Cured Rubber or HTV (High Temperature Vulcanizing) silicone rubber, is crafted from reactive silicone with hefty molecular weight.

The introduction of various raw materials can lend unique properties to HCR. Ingredients like fumed or precipitated silicas with expansive surface areas are added to enhance its mechanical attributes. The inclusion of heat stabilizers, plasticizers, or anti-structuring agents can further refine its characteristics.

When stacked against traditional organic elastomers, HCR elastomers showcase superior prowess. They can effectively operate within a broad temperature spectrum ranging from -50°C to +300°C. Their resilience against aging, chemical inertia, light and oxygen stability, combined with their ability to be dyed or even made transparent, make them apt for domains like food packaging and paramedical tasks. The integration of various additives to HCR paves the way for endless customization, making it suitable for a myriad of industries: Aerospace, Automotive, Healthcare, Oil & Gas, Construction, Electronics, EVs, and more.

To understand HCR injection molding: A predefined quantum of HCR is channeled from a cylinder via a screw mechanism, then routed through a nozzle, finally entering a heated sealed mold. This method ensures the substance fills the cavities of the mold, giving shape to the final product.

Heat Cured Rubber (HCR)

Key Advantages of HCR Injection Molding

  • Swift and accurate mold cycles.
  • Economical per unit.
  • Minimal material wastage.
  • Ability to amalgamate molding with other substances, such as metals or plastics.
  • Uniform product output.
  • Elevated precision for intricate structures, especially when compared to techniques like compression or transfer molding.
  • A versatile and potent molding technique, adaptable to a spectrum of product sizes, complexities, and utilizations.

Silicone rubber extrusion

Silicone rubber extrusion is a widely employed method for producing items like hoses, cords, unique profiles, and elongated multi-layered parts. It’s also an essential technique for creating rods, oven seals, electrical cables, insulation for wires, gaskets, and various types of seals. This process makes use of an HCR compound combined with catalysts, shaped into either a strip or a loaf-like form. This shaped compound, known as a preform, is inserted into an extruder, which uses a screw mechanism to press the compound through a hard steel die that has a specific pattern. Once extruded, the profiled silicone is cured by being continuously pulled through a heated compartment and then through an oven.

For manufacturers employing this method, the challenge lies in selecting the right silicone rubber grade with the suitable catalyst system. This choice ensures optimal performance in their unique mechanical and temperature processes, ultimately leading to end products that meet all the required specifications, tolerances, and regulatory standards.

Silicone rubber calendering

Calendering is a technique where material, in this case, silicone rubber, is continuously compressed and smoothened by being passed between sets of heated rollers. These hard steel roller sets, referred to as calenders, apply pressure to produce silicone sheets of consistent thickness and desired surface finishes, ranging from shiny or matte to smooth or textured.

The starting material, usually HCR, sets the mechanical attributes of the final product. This silicone rubber is first softened using heat or through extrusion. It’s then pressed through these rollers, which transforms the uncured silicone preform into a continuous sheet. Following this, the silicone sheet can either be applied onto different base materials like release film liners or combined with diverse materials, encompassing fabrics, glass, or plastics.

Key Advantages of Calendering Processing

  • Efficient and continuous production, suitable for high volumes.
  • The option for standalone silicone sheets provided with protective liners or combined with other materials, such as natural or synthetic fabrics like polyamide, viscose, or polyester, and other materials like glass or plastic.
  • Its versatility makes it apt for a plethora of applications – be it construction liners, household items, apparel, furniture coverings, products in contact with food, conveyor belts in industries, or sterilizable items for medical usage.

Silicone rubber compression molding

Silicone rubber compression molding is a technique where flexible silicone rubber is placed into a heated mold, which is then shut tight using a secure clamping system. Pressure is then applied to make sure the silicone fills the entire mold cavity. Once it does, both heat and pressure are sustained until the silicone rubber cures.

While both compression and injection molding involve filling a pre-designed mold, they have distinct methods. With compression molding, the mold is pre-filled directly with the silicone rubber. On the other hand, in injection molding, the silicone is injected into a fully closed mold.

Manufacturers often use both methods but select based on the type and design of the part they wish to produce. Generally speaking, injection molding is a go-to for more intricate, typically smaller parts. Meanwhile, compression molding is beneficial for straightforward designs and bigger parts that extrusion techniques can’t achieve.

Several distinguishing features include:

  • Injection molding boasts a quicker cycle time, making it faster and often more economical for big production runs.
  • Compression molding is mostly reserved for medium to low-volume parts.

Key Advantages of Compression Molding

  • Reduced tooling expenses.
  • Minimal material wastage.
  • It is cost-effective, especially for sizable parts, though some post-mold finishing might be necessary due to uneven product consistency.
  • Suitable for large parts not achievable with extrusion.
  • Ideal for curved parts and creatively designed components, often replacing metallic components in vehicles to lessen weight.
  • It has found applications in various sectors, from computer keypads and kitchen items to electrical components and select medical devices.

Silicone rubber transfer molding

Transfer molding bears resemblances to compression molding: both employ HCRs and involve pressing silicone rubber from a secondary chamber, named the transfer pot, into a closed, pressurized mold system. This system has a heated container situated above the mold, where the silicone rubber is introduced using a piston-operated gateway.

What sets transfer molding apart is its capability to produce intricate parts with high precision, as well as its proficiency in ‘overmolding’ with diverse materials. Thus, complex shapes can be effortlessly achieved. When combined with HCR, this method leads to high-quality parts, offering design adaptability and quicker production cycles.

Transfer molding stands out from compression since its mold is enclosed and not in two separate sections. Consequently, unlike injection molding, it requires more pressure to fill up the mold. This also permits transfer molding to incorporate added fibers on its exterior, resulting in custom reinforced components.

Key Advantages of Transfer Molding

  • Diminished tooling costs.
  • Due to its single-piece mold, it offers uniform, accurate, and consistent parts, with a higher dimensional tolerance compared to compression molding.
  • Efficiently integrates different reinforcement fibers placed in the mold, which includes glass, carbon, and aramid, as well as natural plant fibers.

In summary, the diverse techniques of silicone rubber molding—ranging from LSR injection molding to compression and transfer molding—offer a plethora of options for manufacturers to create high-quality, intricate components. Each method possesses unique advantages, tailored to suit specific requirements in terms of design complexity, volume, and cost-efficiency. Whether it’s the rapid manufacturing capabilities of LSR injection or the reduced tooling expenses in transfer molding, understanding the intricacies of each process is paramount. This knowledge ensures the optimal selection of a molding method, guaranteeing impeccable results across various industries and applications.
